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Prof Francois Balloux
Until about a year ago, there were two recognised strategies to deal with a pandemic, namely 'suppression' and 'mitigation'. Those are extremes on a spectrum of stringency, and it was
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UK React-1 study update for 4-13 February period:"Prevalence fell substantially across all age groups with highest prevalence among 18- to 24-year olds at 0.89% (0.47%, 1.67%) and those aged 5
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I wrote a tweet yesterday stating that #ZeroCovid "is not compatible with the individual rights and freedoms that characterise postwar democracies". My point was apparently largely misunderstood. Thus, I wish
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#COVID19 science is a very mixed bag. Some has been amazing, like the one that brought us effective vaccines in no time. Some is questionable, but most is derivative, illiterate
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@mugecevik is an excellent scientist and a responsible professional. She likely read the paper more carefully than most. She grasped some of its strengths and weaknesses that are not apparent
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Longtime school closures cause major psychological harm to children. School closures also affect their education, future prospects in life and cause further inequality in society. The long-term economic harm of
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I have thought very long and hard about the best mitigation strategies for the Covid-19 pandemic over the last week ... and reached the conclusion this really is a 'wicked
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The recent Novavax vaccine trial reported lower efficacy in its SA arm. This is plausibly caused, at least in part, by the high frequency of the B 1.351 lineage in
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I'm personally not aware that any evidence about the efficacy of the AZ vaccines in people >65 years has been released to date. The Lancet paper definitely didn't report any.1/
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The extent to which #COVID19 can cause sequelae is a critical question. A new study on Swiss military recruits found no effect on strength but a decrease in aerobic capacity
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I should be qualified to comment on the covid-19 pandemic. I'm a computational/system biologist working on infectious diseases and have spent five years in a world class 'pandemic response modelling'
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We previously inferred that none of the recurrent mutations observed in #SARSCoV2 is associated with higher transmission using the first ~47k genomes. Does N501Y, widely credited as the driver of
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