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Eric Feigl-Ding
Oh hell. 38% of U.S. residents say they plan to gather in groups of >=10 people this holiday season. Nearly 33% said they would not require friends or family to
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FOLKS—Do **NOT** gather indoors for the holidays . Just too darn risky. You shouldn’t gather at all to be safest, but if you must gather, please do it only *outside*
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North Dakota had the lowest mask-wearing rate in US in October, according to survey data. States without masks mandates saw sharp spikes. Dakotas also has the highest per capita rate
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ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. Smoking long known to cause ED. Why should we care right now? Because #COVID19 causes vascular problems, experts worry about ED being a “likely consequence” among COVID
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Sweden’s pro-herd govt official Tegnk was DEAD wrong. With deadly consequences. He predicted Sweden’s spring wave would prevent 2nd #COVID19 fall/winter wave. He was ‘Scott Atlas-wrong’. “Herd immunity” arrogance
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NEW: Chilling video of El Paso jail inmates hired to move bodies of #COVID19 deceased patients into mobile overflow morgues. Inmates wear full PPEs & paid $2/hour. They’ve been doing
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MOTHER OF GOD—El Paso nurse’s horrifying story of hospital situation. There is a COVID room nicknamed “the pit” where no doctors enter, patients only get 3 CPR cycles—patients are sent
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Trump knew the coronavirus was dangerous. Senator Perdue & Loeffler knew too. Perdue downplayed it like Trump. Now thousands of Georgians have died of #COVID19, including 1 of every 341
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DON’T CHASE SWEDISH HERD STRATEGY. As many know, took the careless “herd” strategy in spring to let the coronavirus run rampant. Huge #COVID19 deaths compared to its Nordic neighbors.
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DEAR PARENTS—Tell your schools—this is what we need to do ensure safe schools, both masks & *ventilation* for #COVID19.Install CO2 monitor in every classroom to ensure air refresh sufficientOpen windows
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BREAKING—Our entire country, from coronavirus pandemic. Another new all-time record 150,000 cases today. Thanksgiving holidays are coming w/ risky indoor gatherings. Try to keep outdoors. But if you must indoors—you
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This is so DEVASTATING—29% of hospitalized #COVID19 patients died in 38 Michigan s during hospitalization (24%) or within 60 days of discharge (5%). An astounding 63% of those in ICUs
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