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Airy Manning
Empathy has been missing all along during the whole #LabourAntisemitism debacle, as if somehow Jews do not deserve it, our fears never taken seriously. /1 When Margaret Hodge said that
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There's been a lot of commentary as to why so many Orthodox Jews supported Trump, usually by people who don't really understand these communities and have made that clear in
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A narrative is developing in the #haredi #chareidi community about Rabbonim (Rabbis) and #Coronavirus. Articles, essays, letters and social media posts all emphasise the importance of "listening to Rabbonim" around
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I urge all of my followers to listen to this illuminating podcast regarding the ongoing human rights abuses against #Muslim #Uyghurs # #Uighurs enacted by the government of China. Thread.
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#Chanukah History. #JewishHistory: Thread. /1 I'd like to talk about the outline of events leading up to the Chanukah story. The story itself, the way it was later portrayed in
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The #Holocaust was the industrialised genocide of millions.Learning lessons about what led to it is absolutely appropriate.Using it as a f***ing METAPHOR for family planning, the treatment of idiot anti-vaxxers,
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Whatever you think you know about the #Holocaust you do not know it all. And neither do I. It is too enormous to be known, it is too enormous to
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#Windrush #WindrushDay thread. /1 The way the #Windrush generation were treated is one of the most shameful and disgraceful things that this country has done to her own citizens. /2
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