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Disagree with this thread1. It was BJP's association with RSS that caused it to break away from the center-left, socialist Janata Party in 19802. BJP did make "moderate" noises b/w
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It is true there are many things common to 95%+ Hindus (e.g. polytheism, caste, belief in rebirth)However Hindus traditionally have approached religion not as "Hindus", but through the medium of
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Undertook śrāddha of a parent in DC todayVery different experience from what I was used to back in IndiaIn India it is v transactional, pretty prolonged affairLasted under 2 hours
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Mt Kailāsa and the lake Mānasarovar occupy an exalted place in the imagination of HindusKailāsa is the abode of Shiva while Mānasarovar is viewed as an embodiment of purityBut the
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If Twitter is a bellwether, we are observing interesting shifts within H-RightTraditionally, H-Right stood for Hindu Rashtra, not Hindu rajAll Hindutva figures (be it Golwalkar, Savarkar, Vajpayee or even Modi)
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Many NRIs have a heightened sense of their Hindu identity. A lot more than relatives back homeBut they're also divorced from H-orthopraxyEncountered brahmin NRIs here where there is animated discussion
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On Ganga Jamuna TehzeebWhat are its antecedentsEven the great Hindu figures of 16th cen like Tulsidas are relatively untouched by Muslim high cultureI think GJT is a recent thing. Mid
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Many learned Hs (who focus on Vedic lit) find modern H emphasis on vegetarianism overdone, as the earliest literature of India is not big on itBut modern Hs are big
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Muslim thought in India can be thought of as having two lineages1. Islamic puritanismLineage : Sirhindi -> Shāh Walīullāh ->Syed Ahmad Barelvi, Deobandi movement, Maulana Azad -> Jamaat e Islami2.
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Mr Kaushik Basu's tweet was not just a "bad take" arising from ignorance or incompetenceBut a disingenuous attempt to use his credentials to drive political debate On
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With this likely loss for Trump, it's worthwhile to reflect on his political legacyTo me his signal achievement was politicalIn 2012, the mantra was "demography is destiny"We were told demographic
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Mongols and Genghis Khan have hogged twitter attention latelyWhile Mongol "barbarism" is much publicized, what is not discussed adequately is their central role in opening up trade / communication b/w
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