Many NRIs have a heightened sense of their Hindu identity. A lot more than relatives back home

But they're also divorced from H-orthopraxy

Encountered brahmin NRIs here where there is animated discussion on why "AIT" is wrong, how wonderful Vedas are

All over a glass of wine
So there is a heightened interest in matters of history, culture, religion on one hand

Stuff their relatives back home have v v little interest in

But at the same time, their personal habits are v removed from their roots

Their "Indian-ness" is not about habits. But politics
At times, I am a bit lost in these settings

In my politics, I am a little more to the center than the NRI relatives I meet.

Am conservative yes, but not really H-nationalist

Have more faith in "western" liberal democratic set-up than them

But in terms of habits, am more Hindu
So often in discussions, I end up posting a qualified defense of "liberal democracy", arguing against their "nativist" views on remaking society as per "shastras"

But at the same time, refusing the wine they offer me.
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