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Megan Ranney MD MPH 🗽
Today, the first time, CDC says "Fully vaccinated persons who meet criteria will no longer be required to quarantine following an exposure to someone with #COVID19."THIS IS HUGE. A thread
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Today, the first time, CDC says "Fully vaccinated persons who meet criteria will no longer be required to quarantine following an exposure to someone with #COVID19."THIS IS HUGE. A thread.
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Over the past 2 weeks I've had the opportunity to connect with a bunch of junior colleagues & trainees. I desperately want to correct a misconception I keep hearing over
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This paper has not gotten a ton of press today... but it is one of the most important #COVID19 releases this week. @CDCDirector @CDCInjury @JAMAPsych I wish they’d included
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In this piece, @DhruvKhullar hits it out of the park on why healthcare workers - particularly our support staff - are appropriately hesitant to get vaccinated against #covid19. (Hint: it's
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A reminder of why the vaccines are still GOOD NEWS and a light at the end of the tunnel - despite the scary stuff about variants:Last week, I wrote in
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I worked the last 2 evenings in the #COVID19 pods of our ER. What struck me - more than at any other point during the pandemic - was the resignation
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Some really important publications about school re-opening during a pandemic over the first few days.A thread, and some musings.PLEASE READ MY WHOLE THREAD BEFORE THROWING STONES. Let me start by
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A great article. Honored to be part of it. And the cool thing is... I have hope that the feds will now listen - and ACT. These are the things
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I'm getting a series of new Q's from friends & family about the #COVID19 #vaccines in light of (very concerning) news about continuing problems with vaccine distribution. In this thread,
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Interesting new paper showing an association between current use of proton pump inhibitors (like omeprazole & pantoprazole) and bad #COVID19 (ICU, death).A really neat observational study- but, as always, with
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Can we talk about the knock-on effects of #COVID19, yet?Provisional counts for drug overdose deaths in the US show an 18% increase - primarily #opioid-related - from May 2019-May 2020...
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