Boosting Your Self-Esteem Is Key

6 Ways To Get That Extra Boost

1. Know The Rules Of Fear

Every time you overcome a challenge you build your self-esteem.

You become increasingly certain you will survive.

Once understood, embrace fear.

Think of challenges like rocket fuel for self-esteem.

If you refuse to quit, you cannot fail.
2. Manage Your Relationships

Relationship quality reflects directly upon us.

Self-confident people tend to have healthy relationships.

Pay attention to those around you.

Notice how they relate to others.

Choose wisely who you surround yourself with.
3. Be Proud To Be You

Set your standards and live true to them.

Those you admire you should aspire.

This is how you realize your potential.

This is your life purpose.

Be someone you would want as a best friend.

Leave everyone better than you found them.
4. Walk Tall, Walk Proud

Speak and act with confidence.

Walk purposefully with a confident stride.

Do not fear mistakes.

Focus on the person speaking.

Maintain strong eye contact.

Stop worrying.
5. Manage Addictive Tendencies

Excess stimulation through instant gratification habits will destroy you.

Addiction is a behavior that controls you.

Allow rational judgement to override these addictions.

Addiction is real but very much treatable.
6. Understand Love Is A Behavior

Love is not a feeling.

Rather a series of behaviors which you combine and equate as love.

Love is the only permanent facet of life.

Be pro-active with self loving behaviors.

Every time you show love, your self-esteem will grow.
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