The 2020s will be known as the Remote Work decade
A few predictions of what is likely to emerge
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A few predictions of what is likely to emerge
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Supermarkets or local bank branches should emerge as a convenient ubiquitous location option – if they are smart

Tools that enable asynchronous work are the most important thing globally remote teams need. A lot of startups will try to tackle this

This will lead to deeper, more meaningful relationships which overcome societal issues of loneliness and issolation

These regions must innovate quickly to attract that wealth. Better schools, faster internet connections are a must

Communication solutions which enable presence, like an open mic while gaming, will become more compelling

Their lack of understanding of remote work will lead to them replicating the bad parts of office working remotely

Companies that don't transition will be left behind

Companies who embrace it have a first-mover advantage to attract great talent globally. Companies who don't will lose their best people to their biggest competitors

Great workers will be the ones who deliver what they promise consistently
Advancement decisions will be decided by capability rather than who you drink beer with after work

Families will benefit from only needing one car slashing cost of living, potentially cutting commuting a lot

The cost saving in real-estate at scale will be eye-watering. The productivity gains will be the final nail in the coffin for the office

The next recession will spell the same thing for co-working spaces
The rise of remote will mean a majority of the 255m desk jobs globally are remote by 2029

Remote-first companies will disrupt every incumbent who doesn't/isn't able to make that transition

Cultural issues arising from misunderstanding meaning behind the way people write becomes a big issue

The opposite will be true and become a big problem
Remote workers burning out because they work too much will have to be addressed

There will be an explosion of people purchasing standalone units for their backyards for this

Resort-like escapes with a deep focus on team building, collaboration, planning, and efficiency. Hotels with facilitators /coaches who assist teams for the duration

Organizing your work around your life will be the first noticeable switch. People realizing they are more than there job will lead to deeper purpose in other areas

Rather than reward being a better title, fractional ownership could enable workers to be more easily rewarded with ownership of their companies/make the market for equity more liquid

Workers will do what needs to be done rather than wasting their trying to look busy with the rest of the office

The fear that this will depreciate wages will be unfounded as companies will need more talent than exists

Nothing will stop workers getting the job they deserve because there will be no obstacles in their way

@Zapier, @Gitlab, @GitHub, @FirstbaseHQ will spawn Mafias who take these internal tools and create startups around them
Several $Billion Startups to emerge this way

The difference in terms of reliability and consistency will be huge, eradicating doubt, lead to better conditions for workers

They will demand more remote opportunities and realize the influence they have to make their companies give it to them

There is a missing half of remote work that's neglected because it's difficult, boring, and unsexy
It will be the most critical. Until that's solved remote teams won't scale globally easily

@webflow, @figmadesign amongst others will democratize access unlike ever before. Remote workers who have an area of expertise and one of these broad skills will be unicorns at first, before everyone else realizes the need

A number of people's main social contact comes at work, with people decided by their bosses hiring policy
Remote work must lead to deeper more meaningful relationships with friends/family

Workers will exploit the freedom they have to organize things more freely in their day. Afternoon runs, morning meditation, 2 things a lot of people I know now do

Being there, feeling like your children know you. Dropping them at school each day. Small things that remote gives

Companies won't accept losing their best people simply because their right to be in a specific country expires
Remote will be an easy option

Access to opportunity will be decentralized

What you do, what you're capable of, the tools you can wield will enable you to do jobs that break you free from the shackles of a title

Companies add another seat to SaaS platform and worker uses the same tool they would use if they were in an office or with a different company

Ironically, remote work will allow them to work far more easily later in life

Associated business parks and services will spring up. This will happen even more rapidly as self driving tech emerges
Expect a @Tesla product in this space

No-code tools that enable workers to built bots that automate menial parts of their roles will be huge

It comes with all the amenities needed, like high-quality coffee, and has on-demand fitness equipment like @onepeloton bikes

It comes with all the amenities needed, like high-quality coffee, and has on-demand fitness equipment like @onepeloton bikes