10 big training mistakes that are ruining your progress


Here's a simple list of 10 things, that if done regularly, will ensure that you make very little training gains and your progress will be SLOW

(RT this to make sure people don't fall into these traps)
1) You avoid big, compound movements because they’re hard work and uncomfortable.

2) You ignore the rule of progressive overload and don't bother increasing the weight or reps you do.

3) You change your exercises and training routines every week to “keep the body guessing.”
4) You add in every new made up exercise you see on IG every day.

5) You do loads of volume until you can’t move because apparently “It’s the key driver of muscle growth.”

6) You train exclusively with high or low reps because your favourite “guru” said so.
7) You sloppily hoist weight with poor technique and let your ego takeover. You never "feel" the muscle working.

8) You do exercises that hurt you and don't feel right just because someone said you “had to.”

9) You go to the gym without a plan and just wing it.
10) You think that you have to always lift free weights to build muscle/lose fat and that machines and bodyweight training is pointless.


I’ve got a load more of these I see people doing all the time but these 10 are very common.

If you are guilty of any of these, stop. Now.
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