'Look at how much you've grown.'

Today I found this piece of paper from 23rd March 2020.

My story of learning Push-ups.

I was getting fit, this was just the beginnings of the shift that happened.

I couldn't do even a single full pushup.

The correct way is to build strength from easy movement and raise the level till you reach the goal.

Here, my goal was the Push-up
In Push-ups, the way to increase load is to lean the body forward.

The more the body angle from feet, the more easy.
Reduce the angle to increase the load.
I started with wall pushups.
15 , 12 , 10 , X

(X means till failure as many reps.)
Benefits of Wall Push-ups:

Works: Shoulders, Chest and Arms
Without putting very small load on the body.

Great for beginners.
Then I went for Kneeling Push-ups

They are for people who have built some strength but still can't do a full body push-up.

They are a valuable alternative to the full push-up.

As seen in the note : I was aiming for 5 kneeling pushups.

I was rushing the process.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Benefits of Kneeling Push-ups:

They work the same muscles as the full push-up.

Chest, Arms, Shoulder and core.
Can also work glutes, if you squeeze them during reps.

They are less in load.
Every day I was increasing the numbers.

As soon as I hit the number 50.

I went for the full Push-up, in the first attempt I was able to hit 3 full push-ups.


Crushed the goal.

But that feeling lighted a fire 🔥 within me.

I didn't stop.
I rose up from there

In full Push-up

Week 1 : 3, 2, 20-kneeling
Week 2 : 5, 3, 20-kneeling
Week 3 : 7, 4, 3, 12-kneeling
Few weeks later : 10, 10, 7, 7
Push-ups are great for warm-ups and using variations can make an exhaustive Workout themselves.

Powerful, time saving and free.
For anything, anything in this world that has been done, not done or not even imagined can be done.

The key is not stopping.

There was not even a single day that I didn't did anything for my goal.
Today ?

20 reps x 3 sets are my warm-ups for the actual Workout.
- Work on it daily.
- Don't tell people the plan

- Wall Push-ups
- Kneeling Push-ups
- Normal Push-ups

As you progress, mix them up.

You got this.
If you found my pushup story helpful and motivative.

Do retweet and share it with your loved ones.

Thanks for reading

- HTN || BrainyBeast https://twitter.com/HTN_BrainyBeast/status/1360964176819093504?s=19
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