You know that minuscule design detail in your favorite RPG? Let me know what they are. In the meantime, here's my list. The things that when they're present, I irrationally like the RPG more:
RPG Design Details I Irrationally Love #1:

Circles, boxes, diamonds, little dagger hilts. It doesn't matter what or why. It could be a countdown to imminent destruction. I want to fill it in.

Examples: Mausritter's usage dots. Brindlewood Bay's clues.
RPG Design Details I Irrationally Love #2:

Diagrams that explain how to use character sheets, or set up the table before playing. If it's got one of those lines leading away to an informative caption, I like it way more than I should.

Example: Ironsworn
RPG Design Details I Irrationally Love #3:

In-game characters talking to me, the reader. I know it's campy. But look at this guy. Telling me exactly why I should care about what's inside the dungeon.

Example: Operation Unfathomable
RPG Design Details I Irrationally Love #4:

Using tiny die icons to represent the numbers in a random roll table. It could have just been the number, but no, it's going to be a cute d6 with some pips.

Example: Candlelight and Trophy in general.
RPG Design Details that I Irrationally Love #5:

When there's a cast of characters, and the book arranges them in symmetrical columns or rows with their portraits. It's so simple and 100% makes me like the characters more.

Example: Mothership's A Pound of Flesh
RPG Design Details that I Irrationally Love #6:

Mini-maps. I know there's a big map. I don't care. I'm here for that tiny thumbnail map that lets me know exactly where I am in the dungeon.

Example: Mork Borg (Pictured: Goblin Grinder)
RPG Design Details that I Irrationally Love #7:

Designer sidebars. They used to be in D&D books, and I think they're one of the best ways to invite hacking/house ruling of your game.

I don't want the designer's intent to be buried forever in a G+ or Discord server.
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