7 Hacks to Succeed With any Diet

1. Eat What You Want.

Don´t get me wrong, you won´t get shredded eating crap.

The trick here is to change what you want, you must train yourself to want the right kind of foods.

Once you manipulate your cravings from unhealthy to healthy foods, everything else comes easily.
2. Look For The Pattern.

Your mood is a function of chemistry in your body, and food plays a huge role in body chemistry.

Look for patterns, what foods make you energetic/sleepy? Stick to those that work for you.

When dieting, look for confirmation in your personal experience.
3. The Food-Exercise Connection.

Food is the fuel that makes exercise possible.

If you eat right, you'll want to exercise more, and that will translate into doing so.

The main point for both diet and exercise is that you want to reduce the amount of willpower required.
4. Know Why You're Eating.

Are you really hungry? Or are you just dehydrated? Try to drink 0,5L of water before eating senseless.

Did you sleep right? You would be surprised at how often a bad night of sleep leads to binge eating.

Master hunger and use it to your advantage.
5. Make Healthy Food Taste Good.

The first rule to eating right is avoiding foods that feel like punishment.

If eating healthy feels unpleasant, you are doing it wrong, and you are wasting willpower.

Experiment with seasonings and sauces until you know what works for you.
6. Adjust Your Lifestyle for Healthy Eating.

Social influence can either make you overweight or fit.

If your friends are all obese, there is a higher chance you will end up being it too, and the same applies if your friends are fit.

Surround yourself with the right people.
7. Coffee.

It makes you more alert, productive, likely to exercise, etc.

Coffee is a hunger suppressor, being key in a losing weight diet.

Coffe allows you to manage your energy levels so you have the most when you need it.

Don´t overdo it to the point you can´t sleep though.
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