1/ E484K in the UK. We seem to see E484K on at least 6 different backgrounds. B.1.351 and P.2 are imported lineages, originating in South Africa and Brazil. B.1.1.7 and A.23.1 seem to have acquired E484K within the UK. I'm not sure about the other B.1 lineages.
2/ These different E484K-containing lineages are mostly clustered within parts of UK. This map shows every E484K-containing genome from Microreact data, coloured by lineage: the data only has the resolution of counties, so genomes are positioned randomly in approximate locations
3/ A.23.1 is around Liverpool. B.1.1.7 + E484K mostly around Bristol. B.1.177 + E484K seems to be East Midlands. Imported lineages more scattered.
4/ Animation of E484K genomes' appearance in UK.
(note that points never disappear on this plot, so accumulation is inevitable)
5/ We can actually see multiple independent occurrences of E484K within, for example the B.1.1.7 lineage. So "6 backgrounds" is technically an undercount.
6/ However, despite the impression that the maps above might convey, E484K mutants are still a tiny fraction of genomes in the UK at present.
7/ All data from @CovidGenomicsUK via @MyMicroreact and @nextstrain. These maps are using just Pillar 2 genomes to try to control for targeted testing.
8/ Nextstrain link: https://nextstrain.org/groups/neherlab/ncov/S.E484?f_country=United%20Kingdom&gt=S.484K You can also change colour to Pangolin lineage if you want to see colours with the nomenclature I've used here.
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