Balanced Diet

What is Balanced Diet and it's components?⚖️

Should you count calories?🔢

How can you improve nutrition in your daily food?🍏

Carbs make you fat?🐘

Does eating time matter?🕑

What to avoid?❌

Learning briefly without Overcomplicating anything

Balanced diet :

A diet with a variety of food and nutrients for good health.

Our body needs a variety of different nutrients that are easily available around us in forms of green veggies, fruits, grains, etc..
What I advise is to :

- Have as many colors in your plate as you can, everything close to nature.
- Eat everything. (Avoiding some types of food can make you deficient in some nutrients and minerals)
- Keep changing the routine time to time or just add a twist so its intersting.
The 5 components of balanced diet are:

- Protein: The building Block
- Carbs: The energy provider
- Fats: The strength pack
- Vitamins and minerals: The life support
- Water: Keeps it all together in good flow

Follow the tips and you won't have to worry about them individually.
Do someone really needs to count the calories?

No, as long as we are eating good food to fuel the body

But it's important to know about your caloric needs

Find out your maintaince calories.

If you eat more than that, you gain
If you eat less, you lose weight
If same, maintain
How someone can improve their nutrition in daily life?

Simple step :
- Eat close to earth
- Cook your own food
- Drink around 3L of water
- Exercise for atleast 30 mins daily
- Sleep good for 6-8 hours

Simply this will elevate the quality of one's life.
Do carbs really make you fat?


It all comes down to calories.

Carbs are where people do too much and it's easily available and found in junk food (because of its availability)

Carbs : 4 calories per gram
Fats : 9 calories per gram
Protein : 4 Calories per gram

Do the math
Does the time of eating matters?

Tbh, Yes and No.


Our bodies follow a rhythm of life.
The circadian rhythm (24-hour cycle that tells our bodies when to sleep, wake, eat).

As long as you eat at the same time and your body feels healthy and fine, its good.

Listen to BODY
What to avoid ?

- Packaged food with long ingredient list which you don't know about.
- Soft drinks
- Junk foods
- Lots of Sugar or Salt

That's it, you are good to go
Bonus 😉

Remember that,

No diet can fulfill everyone's requirements.

No food is off limits.

Drink a lot of water.
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- HTN || BrainyBeast 💪
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