5 Tips For Boosting Your Happiness.

Think of Happiness as Chemistry.

You can´t always fix what is wrong in your environment, neither you can prevent bad emotions from coming to your head.

But, we can control our chemistry through lifestyle->will turn your thoughts positive, making bumps feel less important.

1. Control Your Schedule.

The first step to manipulate body chemistry is to do what you want when you want.

The timing of things can be more important than the intrinsic value of things.

Always find ways to maximize your schedule freedom in the long term.
2. Move in the Right Direction.

Happiness has to do more with where are you heading than where you are.

We tend to feel happy when things move in the right direction and unhappy when things don´t.

Slow and steady improvement makes you feel that you are on the right track.
3. Master Your Imagination.

Imagining your future being brighter will lift your energy and increase the chemistry in your body that produces a sensation of happiness.

If you can´t imagine a bright future, you won´t be happy no matter how well your life is going now.
4. Happiness is not Magic.

Happiness is the natural state for most people when they are healthy, have a flexible schedule, and expect a great future.

Your bad moods may be caused because of the deficit of the big five: Flexible schedule, sleep, diet, exercise, and imagination.
5. Exercise.

Be active every day -> Exercise releases endorphins and works as a mental escape from stress.

Ask yourself this question:

At times when you have exercised, eaten well, hydrated, and had a good sleep, what % of those times have you found yourself in a good mood?
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