Leading a disciplined life would solve 90% of your life including depressive thoughts---

Here are some tips you can use and If you implement them with your soul, you would notice the difference in one week
---Before even starting out on your new journey, few facts you need to keep in mind--

1. It will be difficult and it will cause pain, this is the hard truth. IF you set your mind this way, you WILL not feel the need to procrastinate. Might sound strange but try this
2. Go slow. You are waking up from a long sleep. You cannot run 100 miles on day one. IF study is your target, focus on sitting still for 4 hours. Your productivity might not be even 10% percent, but first week is all about hard work and pain.
1. Get up early

2. Drink 8 glasses of water AT LEAST

3. Avoid oily food. Instead, substitute your snacks with eggs, hard boiled.

4. Stay NO to masturbation. The withdrawal symptoms would hurt, you might not sleep for 2 nights. But, it is worth it.
5. If you are a student, go study in a library. A change of environment goes a long way in starting a new routine.

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