Longevity is a balance of lifespan ( living longer) and health span ( living better). 80% of non smoking population die because of heart attack, stroke, cancer and accidental death. Health span is decline of three main things
1) Physical decline - decline in mobility, muscles, strength, aerobic functions, movement, sexual function, freedom from pain
2) Cognitive decline - decline in memory, processing speed
3) Emotional decline - decline in sense of purpose, mindfulness, social support
While death is inevitable, the three points of health span are not. You can easily manage them. It’s in your own hand and not very complicated as most marketing and SM influencers make it out. It all depends on prioritising these five things. Make them your life goals
1. Nutrition - Eat protein and vegetables in every meal. Avoid sugar.
2. Exercise - At least 200-300 mins a week. Mix of strength, cardio and mobility
3. Sleep - 8 hours of sleep with at least 2 hours of deep sleep.
4. Stress management - Spend mindful minutes. Meditate...
..Breathe right. Stay calm. You don’t have to react to anything as it never solves the problem. Stress plays the most destructive role in your life
5. Managing drugs, hormones and supplements. Get regular check ups done and supplement right. Check what molecules u r putting in
Over the last couple of years I have been extensively studying about healthspan and lifespan. Spending the last decade or two of your life with limited functions and pain is avoidable. You have to act right today. Like u save money for future, start saving for a good healthy life
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