6 Endocrine Disruptors That Kill Testosterone

ED's are essentially chemicals that mimic certain hormones.

They're found in our every day environment, and are contributing to the ever-declining levels in testosterone in the 21st century.

Here's 6 big ones you'll want to be aware of, and you'll want to eliminate...
Actually before I begin, here's some potential effects of EDs that you should be aware of:

- Oxidative stress
- Poorer testicular function
- Disrupted immune function
- Altered fat cell signalling

Let's try to reduce this garbage:
1. Pesticides

(These will alter your thyroid hormone levels, commonly found in fruits - make sure you wash them properly)

2. Phytoestrogens

(As you may have guessed, these stimulate your estrogen receptors. Just make sure you LIMIT your soy intake.)

Next up:
3. Phthalates

(Found in plastics, water bottles, drinks, air fresheners,
deodorants, perfumes, cleaning products. Phthalates will destroy T production and semen quality. Try to use glasses for water, ceramic dishes in the kitchen, etc.)

Oh, by the way...
4. UV Filters

(Sunscreen. The guys on Twitter who tell you not to use it are indeed correct. It TENDS to produce estrogenic activity.)

5. BHA & BHT

(Chewing gum. Turns out to be estrogenic, and carcinogenic. Not a good idea, according to several studies.)

6. Parabens

(Often found in deodorants, and if they enter the body, will mimic estrogen.)


If you're serious about maximising testosterone levels so that you can build a stronger physique & live a higher quality of life, eliminating these will make a BIG difference.
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