The truth of one’s real self can be discovered through the pathway of everyday life.

To live with care and kindness is all that is necessary.

Best parts from the book “Power vs. Force ” written by David R. Hawkins

A short thread.
Take away #1

Facts are accumulated by effort,

but truth reveals itself effortlessly.
Take away #2

The only way to enhance one’s power in the world is by increasing one’s integrity, understanding, and capacity for compassion
Take away #3

Be kind and forgiving to everything and everyone, including yourself, at all times without exception
Take away #4

Ours is a society that idealizes the pleasureless (hard work, stoicism, self-sacrifice, restraint) and tends to condemn pleasure in most of its simpler forms, frequently even declaring them to be illegal
Take away #5

The mutual dependence and interpenetration of all things is observable as one leaves duality.

Oneness is central to all of the major religions and spiritual systems as the ultimate reality underlying and within all forms.
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