Big news: The JNJ vaccine results of 44,000 Phase 3 trial, a single dose. Overall 66% efficacy, with the contrast of 72% in US but 57% in South Africa, confirming immune escape/resistance of B.1.351 variant seen by Novavax
I have to revise the #SARSCoV2 Variant table with latest information from past 12 hours
The JNJ @JanssenUS trial had 468 endpoints, the most infection events of any of the trials to date for assessment of efficacy, vaccine 85% effective vs severe events, and diversity of participants: 45% Latino, 19% Black, 9% Native American
So we now have 3 different types of vaccines with efficacy against #SARSCoV2: mRNA, protein, and adenovirus vectors. We've also seen failure of a major vaccine program @Merck. All of this in less than a year represents remarkable progress vs a very formidable challenge.
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