[Thread] 1.What does #Novavax #CovidVaccine results mean for SA? The jab has 49.4% efficacy in SA (UK: 89%). The #501yv2 variant likely had an impact on SA's results: participants were collected between Aug + Jan, when the variant was already dominant. https://bit.ly/3teA5HV 
2. Out of 4 400 trial participants in SA, there were 44 #COVID19 cases. Scientists have sequenced 27 of those cases. What did they find? 92.6% (25 out of 27 cases) were people who had contracted the #501.V2 variant. https://bit.ly/3teA5HV 
3. In line with results of lab studies, data from the SA arm of the #Novavax trial suggests that the antibodies our bodies produce in response to the original form of the coronavirus, #SARSCoV2, may not completely protect us against infection with #501yv2. https://bit.ly/3teA5HV 
4. The Novavax #CovidVaccine worked better in HIV- than HIV+ people to prevent mild, moderate and severe #COVID19 disease. In negative people the efficacy was 60% in SA, but in positive people it was much lower. That is why the combined (overall) efficacy is 49.4%.
5. The @WHO says for a #CovidVaccine to be effective enough to be widely deployed, the efficacy should be at least 50%. The efficacy of the #Novavax vaccine in SA is 49.4%. https://bit.ly/2MgZlwn 
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