🚨Long awaiting #COLCORONA RCT now in #PrePrint:
-4488 non-hospitalized pts with suspected #COVID19 randomized to #colchicine (0.5 mg BID x3)vs placebo
-1° outcome (composite death/hospitalization) was NOT significant
-interesting findings in subgroups
They had a pragmatic inclusion criteria of pts w/ suspected (not proven) COVID19 infxn.

It’s reasonable to do both ITT analysis (negative for all endpoints) & a modified-ITT analysis for PCR+ pt (positive at reducing hospitalizations but negative for intubations & deaths).
Not so reasonable is a press release claiming that in pts w/ COVID19, “colchicine reduced hospitalizations by 25%, the need for mechanical ventilation by 50%, and deaths by 44%.”

đź‘Ž Nope! Despite a 4000+ pt trial MV & deaths were not significant even in modified-ITT analysis.
This kinda blatant overstatement in a press release could get a pharmaceutical company in hot water with the FDA (or with investors via the SEC).

The investigators should have toned down this press release a bit.
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