This week on #MovementMonday we examine the squat.

It can be done weighted or bodyweight depending on your objectives or the equipment you have access to.

It is mostly a lower body exercise focusing on the legs and buttocks but it works your core as well.
Your bodyweight squat should see you getting your upper leg horizontal to the ground like the gif below.
If your weight is on the balls of your feet as you lower it could be a flexibility or strength issue.

Work on the weight being on your heels as you lower.

This will self correct so long as you keep that fact in your mind due to neural pathways being formed.
The best way to lift heavy objects is using your legs as this takes the weight off your back.

A lot of back injuries are caused by poor lifting technique and having strong legs aids in proper lifting technique.
If you got something out of this #MovementMonday feel free to share it around and if you have any questions about squats or fitness in general contact me anytime.
You can follow @KarlFisher133.
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