Meditation Is A Complete Lifestyle Upgrade

5 Reasons You Should Begin Today

1. Steadfastness

•You sit down to meditate and you allow yourself to experience what’s happening in that moment

•No matter what mood is occurring, you stay with that experience

•The willingness to sit there is a gesture of developing loyalty to yourself
2. Clear Seeing

•You begin to see clearly without a conceptual analysis

•Meditation helps us clearly see ourselves and the habitual patterns that limit our life

•You begin to see your opinions clearly

•You see your judgements

•Deepens understanding of self
3. Reduces Anxiety And Depression

•Stimulates release of feel-good endorphins

•Overall boost to your mood

•Healthier heart

•Decreased Blood Pressure

•Daily practice sets you up for a good night sleep
4. Brain Stays Healthier Longer

•Positive influence on keeping chromosomes young

•Improves levels of focus, attention, memory and creativity

•Counteracts leads towards cognitive decline and conditions like dementia
5. Calmness And Balance

•Starting the day from a calmer place will help you not flare out when life triggers you

•Cultivates adaptability and resilience

•Reduces reactivity
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