Story Sunday

What is the 80/20 principle? Why does this boost your productivity?

I will show you this with real-life examples.

///A THREAD///
What is the 80/20 principle?

The 80/20 principle is a mental model.

It explains how 80 % of the results come from 20 % of the effort.

Less effort with more results.

Sounds good right?

This principle does not replace exact science.

This is a mental model that helps you explain certain phenomena happening around you.

And how you can use this phenomena to get the most out of your life.

When you want to change your diet, you don’t need to change 80 % of your diet.

20 % of the most important changes will lead to 80 % of the results.

Start small and make your habits sustainable.
Personal example:

When I had an eating disorder I had an all or nothing mentality.

Every high-calorie food was bad.

So I ended up eating almost nothing.

Now I eat everything, with some food in moderation.

Moderation and small changes are key.

20 % of the learning leads to 80 % of your knowledge

Form patterns and links that start from the big picture.

Once you understand the basics and principles, you will understand the rest as well.

Once I understood that the names of anatomical structures follow the same principles, I did not need to learn everything in detail.

I just needed to follow the same principles over and over again.

No need to do twice the effort for the same results

20 % of what you read will make up 80 % of your knowledge.

Consume a lot of books.

Afterward you will understand which books made a difference.

You can’t decide this beforehand.

Read a lot and apply the knowledge from the books that stick.

I have a little collection of my favorite books. A collection I value deeply.

I consume a lot of written material.

But I’m selective of what I keep as a reference for future work or thinking.

Consume many but be selective in what you remember.

20 % of the work leads to 80 % of the results

Let me explain:

You should find the tasks that make the biggest difference.

Find the projects that will leverage other projects.

Find the SMART goals that will help the rest of the business.

When I start with a new project, I like to make goals.

I follow the SMART-principle to form my goals.

I don’t focus my time on useless activities like choosing the font size in Word.

I focus on what gives the most output for the least effort.

Only 20 % of your creations are going to be make up your success.

That is why you need to create a lot.

Only 20 % will help you to gain followers.

Only 20 % will stick with your audience.

Be consistent in your creative process to find out this 20%.
Personal example:

20 % of my content is content I have learned the most from.

I can see trends in what my audience likes.

I start to understand what my audience likes to engage with.

In other words, I understand what works and what doesn’t work.
This was my thread on the 80/20 principle and how it influences my own life.

How does the Pareto-principle influence your life?

And what have you learned from it?
Please retweet the first tweet if you want more people to know about the wisdom of the Pareto-principle.

It is the ultimate hack for people who want to save some time and want to have a reason to be sometimes lazy.
You can follow @SarahThooft.
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