The GOP is actively trying to purge its pro-democracy, anti-coup members. We should wonder how much worse the last three months would have been without effective gatekeepers in the rank-and-file. A safe assumption for policymakers is that it will be a lot worse next time.
Even if they don’t succeed at removing Cheney and McConnell, GOP-controlled states are going to spend the next 4 years passing new restrictive voting laws, cutting polling places, killing mail-in voting and drawing partisan maps to give themselves even bigger advantages.
Hard to see the Republicans as anything other than a fundamentally minoritarian, anti-democracy, anti-election party right now.
More: State GOP orgs had a real chance to turn away from the misinformation and illiberalism that made the Capitol attack possible, and they are unanimously deciding in the opposite direction. It looks unlikely we’ll get any real party change out of Jan 6.
Remember, this is happening while McConnell is trying to block the Dems from realizing their full majority status in the Senate. It has been disappointing to see the potential of his commitment to the transition of power on Jan 6 fizzle out as the underlying causes get worse.
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