5 Reasons You're Not Building Muscle

1. You are not lifting heavy enough

Too many people train to ‘feel the burn’.

Instead of this, focus on linear progression and tracking total volume (sets x reps x weight) each week.

Make getting stronger on compounds your metric for progression and not ‘finisher sets’.
2. Sleep is poor

Sleep is where your muscles grow, repair, and when your body recovers.

A poor sleep will impair muscle gain and also negatively affect your testosterone levels.

Aim to get 8-9 hours of sleep per night if you want to maximize HGH and thus muscle building.
3. You are under-eating

To gain muscle effectively, you need to eat in a calorie surplus

This means eating more than you think you need to and NOT skipping breakfast

Add in more carbs and healthy fats to help increase overall calories

e.g. pasta, grains, olive oil, avocados
4. Protein is too low.

Protein is required for the growth and repair of muscle and adequate intake is required for gaining size.

Aim to get 1g protein per LB bodyweight.

170LB person = 170g protein

Split this protein out throughout the day to aid Muscle Protein Synthesis.
5. You're too inconsistent

Following a program and hitting your diet one week but missing it the next is NOT good for muscle building.

Instead of trying to be perfect, aim to train 3-5x per week consistently, and hit your calories Mon-Fri.

Consistency > temporary perfection
I hope you found this thread useful

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