Top 8 Lower Body Bodyweight Exercises

1. Bodyweight squat-There are many variations, but the basic version is getting your hips to parallel

If you cannot squat, you probably cannot move period

High rep bodyweight squats (20+ reps) should be EASY
2. If you cannot lunge, you're not athletic

Lunging is a critical movement ability, the ability to go from one leg to the next leg is fundamental to gait, walking, running, sprinting, jumping

Be able to lunge in all directions
3. Lateral Lunge

Not a "main" exercise, but useful to do; if you cannot do these, you likely have tight hips, tight adductors, and very poor movement capacity

2-3 sets, 5-10 reps
4. 45 degree hyperextension

This exercise is fantastic. Allows you train hip extension and glutes hamstrings together, and you can bias it for lower and upper back as well to train postural muscles

Done with bodyweight, aim to do sets of 30+ reps
5. Step Up

Another "basic" movement that is essential to be able to do.

People tend to cheat these by pushing off with the back leg, dont.

Can be done with light amounts of weight (heavier weights get awkward)
6. Nordic Leg Curl

An eccentric exercise, the amount of research is substantial: strengthens the lower hamstring, gets the knees stronger

Most people will struggle to do even 5 reps their first time
7. Bodyweight Leg curl

best done with a suspension trainer, although a stability ball can also work

Start with both legs, when that becomes easy, transition to single leg

Best done for moderate to high reps (10-20 range)
8. Calf raises

I think these are fairly self explanatory

You can do them with both legs, with one leg, and with weight

If you have weak feet, you have weak calves by default

Moderate to high reps 10-20 range per set
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