Living a life of no-limits doesn't mean that you never feel limited in any way.

It's when you know what to do when you are pushed back,

Build the right mindset and your life will have no limits.

How to live a life without limit.

A thread...
1. Never let others define you.

If you live your life for your Dad, Mom, Sisters, Brothers, Wife, Husband, Kids, Friends, etc… You will never be happy in this life.

This is your life, grab it by the horns and own your life. Stand for something or die for nothing.
2. Never expect anything from anyone but yourself.

When it comes to getting what you want in life you are the only one you can truly count on in life.

When it comes to what can make you happy in life, only you can ever make yourself truly happy.
3. The only thing holding you back from anything is You

People will always lay blame for every wrong in their life at the feet of something or someone else, but let’s face it “You” are the problem.

If you want something in life Go Get It.
4. When you get knocked down (as we all do) get right back up and ask is that all you’ve got!

Life isn’t going to be easy for you. Stop complaining about it, get used to it.

You can either let that pull you down and kill you on the inside or you can let that motivate you
5. “Rules” are for the those who made them.

In life there are three types of people when it comes to rules.

- Rule Makers

- Rule Breakers

- Rule Changers

Which one are you?
6. Never quit on yourself

This is a pretty well known phrase, so I am just going to leave a befitting quote with it.

“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.” – Jack Ma
7. Keep it simple

Complex systems create complexities, keep it simple.

Any time you can break something down into smaller simpler pieces, you would be surprised at how much stress and pressure in your life would just go away.
8. When in doubt, take action.

Some action is always better than no action at all.

Most of us get stuck in life because we get wrapped up in doubt.

If you’re scared of something take action to overcome that fear.
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