What physics education jargon (vocabulary in general) do you think pre-service physics teachers in the US need to be familiar with in order to be functionally conversant / literate in the broader landscape of physics teacher communities?
This probably needs to include common acronyms like AAPT, FCI, TiPERS, ISLE
Whiteboarding, clicker question, claim-evidence-reasoning, PhET, misconception / preconception / alternative conception, photogate, ranking tasks, modeling, model, paradigm lab, invention task, observation / testing experiment, Python, Hover puck, tumble buggy, flying pig lab
Multiple representations, LOL diagrams, energy pie charts, energy bar charts, system schema, interaction diagram, CASTLE, normalized gain, peer instruction, motion map, Vernier, Pasco, interactive engagement / active learning, AP 1 / AP 2 / AP C / IB, NGSS, College Board,
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