Today is (apparently) the most depressing day of the year. If you fancy sticking two fingers up at that & posting the loveliest thing in your camera roll/a bit of good news & adding #keepgoing, maybe it won’t be quite so grim on here today.

In flower, March 2020:
If you add the hashtag others can click on it & find the good stuff. #KeepGoing
Each photo posted with the hashtag has the potential to trigger dopamine release in someone who sees it & can literally cheer them up

There are already masses of images on the hashtag:

🌿Click #keepgoing
🌿Click on ‘Latest’
🌿Scroll for primroses-foxes-deer-embroidery-dogs...x
You can follow @silverpebble.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

Latest Threads Unrolled:

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