The LTN advocates’ playbook
1. The Golden Rule – ask questions, keep asking questions, never answer questions.
When accused of never answering questions, accuse the accuser of never answering questions.
2. Question 1: Do you live inside an LTN?
If the answer is yes accuse them of prioritising their driving convenience above the urgent need to tackle car dependency, climate change, a respiratory crisis, obesity crisis and road safety.
3. Question 2: What did you do to campaign before the introduction of LTNs?
If nothing is provided accuse them of prioritising their driving convenience above the urgent need to tackle car dependency, climate change, a respiratory crisis, obesity crisis, road safety.
4. Question 3: What strategies would you suggest to meet the urgent need to tackle car dependency, climate change, respiratory crisis, obesity crisis, road safety?
If no suggestions are provided accuse them of prioritising their own driving convenience above these goals.
5. If suggestions are provided agree that they’re part of the solution & stress they're needed to complement LTNs not instead of them (NB – see points 8 and 9 below).

By this stage most doubters will have given up. If they persist, the following are all worth considering:
6. Ask for evidence. Ignore anything provided.
7. Provide evidence – anything vaguely relevant from the following sources will do (they all overlap anyway)

Waltham Forest
University of Westminster
London Living Streets
Peter Walker
Anything relating to Netherlands, Copenhagen or Ghent

NB - just post it, never discuss.
8. If credible problems within an LTN are raised, respond as follows:
(a) Give it time, let it bed in
(b) Let’s not make perfect the enemy of the good
(c) Issues will be resolved via the consultation.
9. If credible problems outside an LTN are raised
(a) Do all of 8.
(b) If that doesn’t work, do 6.
10. If the lack of consultation is raised respond as follows
(a) The trial is the consultation
(b) No-one was ever consulted about waze & satnavs turning side streets into unrestricted rat-runs
11. If all of the above has been exhausted accuse them of believing in levelling down - sharing out pollution equally, instead of addressing the urgent need to tackle car dependency, climate change, respiratory crisis, obesity crisis, road safety.
12. If they’re still going, accuse them of being an idiot stooge of the car lobby and a mouthpiece for Trumpian populists. Then block them. Make sure you announce the block before you action it.
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