
A better runner doesn’t mean a faster runner.

A better runner = a healthier runner, a less injuries, a more efficient runner.

Whether you’re running for Vibes or looking at a PB, #RunBetter👣 is here for you.


Your technique will affect your speed, how often you get injured and your all-round running economy. You may find that after a little work on your technique, you find running easier and more enjoyable...1/3
Examples of poor technique amongst runners are things like overstriding, short steps, heel striking and being tense.
Aim to run tall, as if a string is pulling you upwards. Focus on getting your foot to land underneath your center of mass.
Try to relax your shoulders when running; tensing up is wasted energy & ruins your running efficiency.
Focusing on these things can bring about big improvements in your running!

Ask a friend to snap you during your training to see what your technique looks like.3/3


It’s easy to go out & run hard or push the pace on every run. This may seem like a good way to train to get quicker, but this is counterproductive...1/3

You always running at a ‘comfortably hard’ pace each time, making you too tired to perform during harder workouts or give it your all on another run. It can be hard to change your mentality, but running slow keeps something in the tank for other runs where you need to run faster.
Recovery runs are a great way to simply loosen up & get the blood flowing, which prepares you for a harder session later in the week.
Recovery is where the body adapts & improves, not during a workout.
A workout provides the stimulus, recovery enables adaptation & improvements.

What you eat affect how well you run, from feeling slow & sluggish to running out of energy mid run/training run. A runner’s diet should be comprised of 55-65% quality carbs, which will enable you to run with enough energy & finish your run feeling strong.
Hydration is vital for runners. When you’re dehydrated, your blood is thicker, making your heart work harder to get oxygen & minerals to your muscles. Drinking a huge amount of water before a run will leave you feeling full & sluggish. Consistently hydrating throughout your day.

If you want to get quicker, running the same route at the same pace will make you good at just that – running the same route at the same pace. Adding speed work to your training will make you quicker as well help your running technique...1/3
Another great speed workout would be to run a shorter distance than normal but at a faster pace. Be sure to do a slow recovery run the day after a speed workout so that you can loosen up and be ready for your next run....2/3
If you want to run further, make one of your weekly runs a long run where you increase the distance by around 10% each time.
You’ll soon notice the benefits of training like this but aim to do an easy week every 3 to 4 weeks so your body can adapt and recover.3/3

Runners like to run and then run some more. Adding in a simple bodyweight routine can bring big benefits. A stronger core will help your running technique, and keeping your torso upright can help you maintain good technique when you get tired...1/2
Doing exercises that focus on the legs will challenge your muscles in a way that running doesn’t. This will help you become more stable, have more power in your legs & run stronger. Some planking, bridges and squats can go a long way.
Plus it will help you lean out!

Consistency is key!
Be consistent in your training, be consistent in your diet and be consistent in your recovery if you want to perform the best you can.

The END.
Ndza nkhensa 🙏🏽

We hope these tips help you get the most from your running
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