The building blocks of life.

You are underestimating how important it is.

It deserves a thread.

[Thread] ⬇️
Every damn cell in your body needs protein to function

Protein keeps you ALIVE and build the body

Vital to growth and development.

A newborn baby needs tons of protein to grow up big and strong.

You need it to build up your baby muscles and grow up big and strong.

Protein = amino acids chainz

The human body needs many types amino acids to stay healthy

You get these from eating a variety of high protein foods:

Red meat (Beef, Game Meats)
Milk + Dairy

Get used to stuffing these down your throat

What does eating all this accomplish?

Protein facilitates

- Muscle growth
- Muscle repair
- Muscle function
- Metabolic pathways
- Regulates organs
- Enzymes for chemical reactions in cells
- Messengers for hormones
- Antibodies

Seems drastically important right?


How do I make sure I'm getting enough?

You need to consume enough protein when training

To ensure muscle growth and recovery are maximized.

Consume too much in addition to other macros, it'll have to get stored as fat.

Here are my recommendations for protein ⬇️
Eat a MINIMUM of 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.

Go as high as 1.5 grams

People will argue "Oh, .7-.8 is enough"

No, its not. Heres why:

1) People drastically overestimate
2) People most often miss eating protein

Err on the side of MORE PROTEIN


A caveat


Trying to build gain muscle? No amount of protein helps you if you aren’t consuming enough overall calories

If you are in a calorie deficit, your body will use the calories from protein to stay alive

The body wont make more muscle proteins unless it has an excess of calories fueling itself in addition to the protein

Need 4000 calories to be in a surplus + 200 grams protein to build muscle?

Switching that to 3000 calories and 300 grams of protein ain't going to fly buddy

To keep it simple with your protein intake:

1) Know protein is vital to your bodies health and function
2) Eat a variety of protein sources (list above)
3) Eat minimum 1 gram (As high as 1.5 g) of protein per pound of bodyweight per day


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