Whilst members of parliament like Matt Hancock and Jeremy Hunt praise Simon Wessley today for his #MentalHealthAct reforms for autistic people, can I remind you that this is the same Simon Wessley whose work on #GET/ #CBT otherwise known as #PACETrial has become the basis 1/5
of the current medical understanding that people living with the #ChronicPain of #ME or #MECFS are simply living with a psychological not pathological condition that can be cured by graded exercise therapy and happy thoughts. This completely dismisses any of the patients or 2/5
medical professionals who are able to show or prove otherwise. It still leaves people already bedbound with #ME #MyalgicE no medical support other then forced hospitalisations & sectionings under the #MentalHealth act as many GPs continue to believe their #MUS are all 3/5
simply just caused by poor #MentalHealth. Remarkably this same discredited scientific study that has had many doctors and patients alike fighting to be recognised for the (part DWP funded) fraud it really was is now being used to 'help' patients presenting with #LongCovid 4/5
who I also fear will be medically mistreated let alone the financial cost of lost entitlements, treatments. Ok, rant over, just a #pwME wondering when this MASSIVE medical scandal is finally going to be exposed allowing justice for the #MillionsMissing! 5/5

#MEAwarenessHour #ME
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