Short thread on protein

There are 8/9 essential amino acids (depending on the source) that you must get from food. The others 11/12 are considered non-essential or conditionally essential, because you can make them.
However, there has been research to show that the body is limited in producing some of the non-essential amino acids, and that there is harm in not consuming enough.
Furthermore, a lack of total protein intake will inevitably lead to limited ability to synthesize nonessential amino acids. More are required during times of stress (who isn’t stressed?).
Taurine, for example, is not even part of the list of 20 because it is not part of protein synthesis, yet it is integral to the human body, making up 0.1% of total body weight. “It is a major component of bile and is used to moderate calcium signaling, osmoregulation...
, and proper muscle function. Human can synthesize taurine from the amino acid cysteine.” It is important for vision, digestion, fetal production. Taurine is found in meat, specifically in high concentrations in heart organ meat.
“Promotes longevity, prevents obesity, improves insulin sensitivity, controls and treats diabetes, reverses cardiovascular disease, prevents age related vision loss and retinal damage, reduces epileptic seizures, prevents and treats liver disease..
reduces and treats anxiety, raises testosterone levels, fights oxidative stress, faster recovery and better performance in athletic training, improves brain speed and cognitive function, stimulates growth of new brain cells.”
It also acts as a calming neurotransmitter. Production is limited as we age.
“Taurine is one of the most abundant amino acids in the brain and spinal cord, leukocytes, heart and muscle cells, the retina, and indeed almost every tissue throughout the body.” Only found in animal foods
Research around glycine (also not considered essential) has found that biosynthesis does not meet the demand of the body. Glycine is the 3rd amino acid in collagen. Deficiency affects how we age, hair, skin, nails, etc.
This calls into question what is non essential and what is essential, because when the body can product something but not in sufficient quantities, i.e. Vitamin K, then it is considered essential.
This is why animal protein, which contain all of amino acids are superior (complete protein), while vegetarian sources of protein are limited and always incomplete.
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