Friday Freebie

3 low-calorie foods that keep you full,

And SPEED UP your weight loss.

This is not clickbait, give it a read.

I want to introduce you to the satiety index.

This is an index that ranked foods based on how "full" they kept you.

Doctors had participants eat 240 calories of each food, then analyze their hunger every 15 minutes for 2 hours.
This created an index of how full certain foods keep you,

And which ones can be best for weight loss.

Out of the 38 different foods that were tested,

A croissant scored the lowest in keeping you full.

*Croissants = delicious yet crazy fat bombs, gotta love the French

Potatoes kept you 320% fuller than a piece of white bread.

The study found that potatoes were best at keeping you full for a long period of time.

Baked, boiled, and roasted potatoes are fantastic for weight loss and staying satiated.

My favourite carbohydrate!

This is my hidden secret snack.

For a bag of low-butter popcorn, you can find it for ~250 calories per bag.

An awesome snack that doesn't break the calorie bank if you're hungry.

I almost ate this daily on my diet, and it makes it extremely simple to follow!

Protein is known as the best macronutrient to keep your hunger under control.

Finding lean sources can keep you full for longer periods of time.

Try seafood, fish, steak, chicken, etc.

Lean protein does a TREMENDOUS job of keeping you hunger-free!
Simple ways to incorporate these into your diet?

Replace the chips with popcorn.

Replace the pasta with potatoes.

Add more protein to your meals, at least one piece of protein per meal.

I promise you won't feel as hungry as what you're currently doing.
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