Also recall some lectures about how I was “unfair” to assume Trump supporters are racist when some of them just really hate a functioning government that serves the poor as well as the rich.

“You are normally so compassionate”
“You are damaging ‘your brand’”

lol get fucked
“The Confederate flag isn’t a racist symbol! I, a white person, know many cool white people who would fix my car for free, how dare you suggest that their racist tattoos from a racist war mean something racist!”

Then there was “Punching Nazis HOW DARE U” lady...
Some of ‘em tried to pull the “as a supporter with over $126 in donations, I demand ...” shit over the posts about family planning & reproductive coercion.

Screencaps of receipts from passing every cent of it to abortion funds shut that down pretty good.

Refunds? Lol. No.
There is a persistent, PERSISTENT “My mom voted for DT, are you saying MY MOTHER is RACIST?” guy - commenter and emailer.

Pretty sure I blocked him everywhere by now but just in case, Greg, your mom is absolutely 100% cool with white power antics. Stop apologizing for her.
I think everyone thought these were “manners” questions on some level.

The Nazis and apologists and enablers certainly wanted them to be, like “X may be calmly and routinely genocidal, but that’s no reason to be RUDE about it! Family Secret Santa is a sacred tradition!”
“But what is the proper ETIQUETTE to be observed here? One wouldn’t want to appear UNWELCOMING to history’s most embarrassing murder cheerleaders!”
The Letter Writers, collectively, were being gaslit. I do not blame them for asking for a second opinion when the whole damn family is like “But Kevin1488 really needs your support right now, if *you* are mean to him it’s like you are actually causing everything he does!”
A lot of my inbox for the last half decade is White America arguing with itself about whether it’s actually ruder to *interrupt* the annual Turkey Day Klan Rally or skip it entirely.
A lot of the people who are shocked by the March Of The Patriotic Small Business Owner Failsons Who Made Coup T-Shirts this week are the same ones who told all their family members with working consciences to shut up and let the virulent racists finish their sentences, or else.
Don’t be so dramatic
Stop overreacting
It was only a joke
Don’t get hysterical now
If you can’t remain civil about this there is no point in discussing it
____ has a right to an opinion
Just ignore it
Be the bigger person
Don’t stoop to their level
Weird how the same people* who tell you not to “overreact” to conversational murder jokes whip their heads around like cobras to react when you “rudely” refuse to laugh at them, and cry hot tears when you stop showing up to meekly sit thru them.

Why r u tearing our family apart
*Who said it best, white matriarchs hosting holiday meals or your fave wealthy failpundit?

White nationalist movements LOVE “strong” traditional families as the source of social cohesion and sole safety net.

Why the fuck wouldn’t they? “Either agree with your elders or fake obedience successfully, or it will be your fault if you end up broke, homeless, and dead.”
Anyway before I tweet the whole dang book/chapter, here is some blanket advice:

If someone close to you pressures you to take the “polite” “high” road of tolerating Nazi stuff?

Know that all the best people are down here on the rude one. ❤️💪🏻
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