Are you constantly coming up with great ideas but never seeing any of them through?

You have a brilliant idea that you are excited about and you promise yourself that you will see it off the ground but never do?

5 things stopping you from executing that brilliant idea

A thread
1. Self doubt

Lack of confidence is the worst enemy of progress because there isn’t much you can achieve when you constantly doubt yourself.

Cut out expressions like “I may be aiming too high”

Acting on your plan, idea, or goal demands a certain level of confidence in yourself
2. Assuming you have nothing new to offer.

It doesn’t matter how many people have come before you or how many are succeeding in what you desire to accomplish.

There is always that certain uniqueness that you can bring to the table because you have your way of doing things.
3. Not having a plan.

Failing to plan is planning to fail. - Benjamin Franklin

Not having a plan is one of the main things stopping you from working on your idea because it gives rise to “What if this fails?” or “What if this isn’t the way to go?”
4. Trying to do things on your own.

All ideas demand a certain level of commitment, feedback, counsel, and can only be a success when you receive guidance from people who have already walked the road you are on.

Executing your thoughts is easier when you involve other people.
5. Failing to prioritize.

How many times have you thought, I don’t have enough time or There is no way I can balance this?

The truth is, there is always enough time to continue with your 9-5, work on your side project, as well as execute that great idea you have.
You just have to learn to prioritize your work. Decide what’s important and focus on it. Get rid of distractions, figure out what can wait, and set it aside for later.

If you don’t have priorities, anything that comes along is good enough.
Having a brilliant idea is nothing without execution...

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