Why do we treat mental pain differently than physical pain?

//A thread//
Little disclaimer before we start:

I don't make this post to create controversy. I just want to highlight the cultural bias of mental pain that I notice in my clinical practice and from my own personal experience.

Let's explore why this could happen.
There are two moral themes that makes us question why we should treat pain.

1. It would disturb natural processes like healing.
2. It could have moral implications like inducing addictions.

These questions are mostly resolved for physical pain but what for mental pain?
What beliefs exist about mental pain?

- You need to feel mental pain in order to get past it.
- The symptoms should be felt in order to find the deep causes.
- If you don't feel pain, you are probably not trying hard enough.

All ideas that are in some cases not helpful.

The benefits of prolonged grieving in the case of loss of a person, job etc. is strongly debated.

Evidence says that people who grief the longest, are the least likely of getting better.

Feeling more pain does not equal better healing in this case.
So in this case, why should the person not receive help?

Why should we not treat mental suffering with medication or cognitive therapy?

Why do we not see it like the treatment of physical pain?

"Is mental pain tolerated simply because it should happen?"
The answer is debatable. But from my experience I know that proper treatment is sometimes necessary.

Mental pain should be taken serious. It signals that there is something wrong.

Professional help may be needed in that case.
The debate however is that pain is a part of life. It's unavoidable and can make us stronger when applied in small and balanced amounts.

Pain should be associated in your pursuit towards your goals. Without that, in most cases it won't be that helpful.
The thing to remember is that you are not alone.

We all feel mental suffering. We experience and express it differently. Some of us may need further treatment.

But through sharing our episodes of mental suffering, can we maybe reduce our individual suffering.
What is your take on this subject? Please, add your opinion in the comments.
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