brain tip: don’t decide what kind of day you’re going to have based on how you feel when you wake up. try to shorten your gaze. take it hour by hour. take action that eases discomfort, keeps you safe, changes your surroundings & gets you moving in some way (even a very small way)
lately I’ve been waking up already anxious. unsurprising considering *everything*, but still shit. I’ve found myself making predictions about what I will & won’t be capable of that day within a few minutes. it’s taken an effort but it’s helping to gently correct the narrative
instead of ‘I won’t be getting out of bed at all today’ try ‘right now it’s not fair to expect myself to get up. I don’t feel well enough. I’m going to rest a bit longer & then reward myself with a cup of tea downstairs. i’ll begin the next part of my day then’
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