A trap many intelligent people fall into but is so perfect that it rarely gets noticed as a trap or even if it is noticed, it is impossible to escape for most people

This is possibly the single biggest factor why many smart people #FAIL to succeed in life

A thread
#Success 1/
The perfect trap is the 'Trap of Perfection'

This trap of perfection is what most #smart guys fall into and not even realise most times. What makes it so dangerous is that we don't even realise it.

The tendency to wait or hold things until they are good enough or #perfect 2/
First of all, let's understand better the origins of this trap.

Smart guys are logical & analytical. They can differentiate between good & bad, quality and lousy, excellence and mediocrity. Often this knowledge comes in the way of their success. Here is how?


#curse #smart
In school we're trained to aim for perfection. Read that lesson again & again until you can perfectly remember it. The more marks you get the more you're liked by parents & teachers. You are pushed if you get less.

Smart people offcourse achieve these goals & get perfect A's

The #perfection is a good #habit in school & college.
Enter real life scenarios & this often becomes a burden

Here are some scenarios to illustrate how-
1-Like tht girl across the hall? Wait too long to figure out a perfect pickup line & by the time you are done, she is gone

2- Have a great idea? Wait too long to launch it perfectly and either someone else has done it before you or the market has moved on. Or in some cases, it never gets launched #entrepreneurship

3- Saving for a perfect vacation? Chances are that you will never take a holiday

4- Have great thoughts on a certain topic but not getting time to #write that perfect article? Chances are you never post about it

5- Waiting for the perfect girl? Chances are you will never #marry or settle :)

I can go on. But I hope you got the point by now


Take a moment & ponder over your #life

How many things you'd have done but did not do & regret later?
Or you thought were too complicated but turned out to be quite simple later on?

The idea of this account came 6 months back but was not setup for lack of a better username!

So smart guys, next time you have an idea, don't wait too long on it.

Walk across the hall & say a simple Hi, or launch that imperfect blog. Just do it NOW

Launch>Learn>Iterate>Improve>>>Improve more



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