"What follows [is] a protest against psychologistic approaches to ‘grounded cognition’ [that] effectively put the ground inside the brain, leaving individuals stranded in an unspecified ‘environment’ which is invoked
merely for the purposes of [the body]"
"What distinguishes the expert from the novice, then, is not that the mind of the former is more richly furnished with content [but] a greater sensitivity to cues in the environment & a greater capacity to respond to these cues with judgement and precision" - not representatons!
"For the ground of knowing – or, if we must use the term, of cognition – is not an internal neural substrate that resembles the ground outside but the very ground we walk, where earth & sky are tempered in the ongoing production of life" - the walker is "thinking in movement" 👇
"The ground from which knowledge grows is indeed the very same ground that – like the children on their bear hunt – we all walk in our everyday excursions, through calm & storm, swishing grass and root-riddled woods, sun-baked mud & rain-sodden ooze" - #becausehuman 🥰
For those who prefer to watch / listen, this is just one of many fascinating, Tim Ingold presentations available on Youtube.

Warning: academic orthodoxies (& especially dichotomies) end up looking rather foolish 🥳

Further reading to follow... 👇
"For where we identify the self with a certain capacity for reflective awareness and cognition [...] the soul is formed as a vortex in the flow of life. It is not on the inside [...] but exists, like breath itself, in the churn of taking in and going out. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1357034X20916001
"Ingold’s attention to the “meshwork” rather than the “network”, & the “knot” rather than the “chain”, are his attempts to think differently about relations of ‘the social’ & to re-imagine a broad praxis of life’s activities" - from an excellent review 👀
"The theory of the assemblage, then, will not help us. It is too static, & it fails to answer the question of how the entities of which it is composed actually fasten to each other. The principle of the line, by contrast, allows us
to bring the social back to life #TheLifeofLines
"For if every organism is not so much a discrete entity as a node in a field of relationships, then we have to think in a new way not only about the interdependence of organisms and their environments but also about their evolution" - Essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill 😍
Parallels suggest "a combination of relational thinking in anthropology, ecological thinking in psychology & developmental systems thinking in biology would yield a synthesis infinitely more powerful than any of the biosocial, psychocultural or biopsychocultural alternatives." 😍
"To suggest that human beings inhabit discursive worlds of culturally constructed significance is to imply that they have already taken a step out of the world of nature within which the lives of all other creatures are confined" - which we comprehend from "beyond culture"? 🤔
"Yet the ecosystem, taken in its totality, was nevertheless envisaged as two faced. One face presents a field of matter and energy, the other presents a field of pattern & information; the first is all substance without form, the second is all form detached from substance" 👇
"Biology is – or at least is supposed to be – the science of living organisms. Yet as biologists gaze into the mirror of nature, what they see – reflected back in the morphology & behaviour of organisms – is their own reason" - imputing principles of science to organisms" 🤔
"My environment is the world as it exists and takes on meaning in relation to me, & in that sense it came into existence and undergoes development with me & around me. Secondly, the environment is never complete" - Env. as continually under construction: as process in real time!
"Clues are keys that unlock the doors of perception, & the more keys you hold, the more doors you can unlock, & the more the world opens up to you. My contention is that it is through the progressive acquisition of such keys that people learn to perceive the world around them" 👇
"Feeling is a mode of active, perceptual engagement, a way of being literally ‘in touch’ with the world. The craftsman feels his raw material, as the potter feels clay or the turner feels wood, & out of that process of feeling there emerges the form of the vessel" #becausehuman
"At that crucial moment of eye-to-eye contact, the hunter felt the overwhelming presence of the animal; he felt as if his own being were somehow bound up or intermingled with that of the animal [...] In telling of the hunt he gives shape to that feeling in the idioms of speech 😍
Observation isn't a matter of information copied, nor is imitation just mechanical execution. "Rather, to observe is actively to attend to the movements of others; to imitate is to align that attention to the movement of one’s own practical orientation towards the environment" 👀
Technique is "inculcated in each successive generation through a process of development, in the course of novices’ practical involvement with the constituents of their environment – under the guidance of more experienced mentors – in the conduct of their everyday tasks" 👇
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