How to stop being a diet perfectionist

It’s 2021 and maybe you are embarking on your own weight loss journey. Here is how to NOT be a diet perfectionist and quit after 1 week.
1. Realize 100% is a set up for failure.

If you tell yourself that you will eat healthy, cook at home, no sugar 7 days a week, 24/7 you are setting yourself up for failure.

Aim to be 80% on plan.
2. Figure out what 80% on plan looks like

This may mean some days you eat salmon & veggies for dinner while another you have pizza.

Another way to look at it.

If you eat 3X a day, that is 21 meals in a week. 80% of that is 17/21. 4 meals that can be pizza, pancakes, etc..
3. Stop saying “you fell off the diet”

Stop thinking in terms of “I am ON a diet” and “I am OFF a diet”

This is black & white thinking and when we tell ourselves we are off the diet, it can give us more excuses to eat like an asshole.
4. The popping the tire mentally.

If you popped one tire on your car, would you go around and pop the other 3?


Same with your diet. If you accidentally slipped and ate 2 donuts for breakfast, you shouldn’t just eat junk for lunch and dinner just because.
5. Realize success is not linear

Losing weight can be a rollercoaster. Some days, weeks, are going to be great. Other times you are going to feel like your body doesn’t want to work in your favor.

Accept that plateaus & set-backs are normal and part of the process.
6. Use other measures of progress

The scale is a tool…but not a great tool.


- Energy
- Sleep
- Mental health/ food relationship
- Workouts
- Bloodwork

Having other indicators that improve can help you see improvements that are not just weight related.
If you made it this far- thank you and hope it helped some of you. DM me for questions :)
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