This is to all the working parents out there. Many schools are closed. Others will likely follow. No one thought they’d have to do this again. Some thoughts from me.
Remember. This isn’t flexible working in it’s true sense. But you can apply for it and your employer must consider your request. Unfortunately the law is not helpful because they can take three months to reply. Ask anyway if you need to and ask for an urgent response.
You can ask to be furloughed. Your employer can say no. I know many fear career consequences and it’s less pay. Many won’t want to let down their colleagues - but it’s an option to consider if you need it.
You can’t do both well. Taking care of kids and school them and work. Don’t try to. It’s the road to burnout. If you need to prioritise keeping your job - and who doesn’t - just do it. If the school have sent home work for the kids do what you can with what you have.
If you can’t do much at all tell the school. Your wellbeing and that of your family comes first. If your employer is letting you ‘make the time up’ at weekends and evenings that great but not if it means working 20 hours a day.
Ignore the housework. No one is coming to visit anyway.
One last legal right. Time of for dependents. It’s just a couple of days usually and it’s unpaid but it might help.
There’s also unpaid parental leave. Four weeks a year per child. Your employer can’t refuse it but can delay it. None of these options are awesome. The government could be doing much more but probably won’t.
Try, as hard as this is, to set down your guilt. You have been asked to do something astonishing these last nine months. And yet here you are. Still standing. Good luck. You got this.
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