I’m writing my 3rd book at the moment & am happily swimming about in the latest research into the neurological benefits of nature.

There’s evidence that seeing/spending time among plants increases/improves concentration & attention span...
This has implications for those with neurodiverse traits (relevant to my family) but is important for everyone atm:

Increased stress/cortisol levels decrease our ability to concentrate, assimilate & remember information. You may have noticed it’s been more difficult to focus...
...since the first lockdown: this is why.

The sight of your houseplants,the green action you see on a walk, in your garden if you have one, or those daffs you bought down Tesco to cheer yourself up, can help you to focus/work for longer.

Hang out among leaves.
Turns out looking at my twit photos might help you work. This is a good thought x
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