So this year has been all kinds of crazy to say the least. Along with that craziness came a fluctuation with my weight. It goes to show that anything can be done with the right kind of focus but if you lose sight of your goals you can fall back to your bad habits.
That’s what happened to me. I was being really hard on myself and becoming very negative because I didn’t like what I was seeing. Thanks to @kristynicolevelez for reminding me that this set back is only temporary and that she loves me no matter what.
I was punishing myself for things that were out of my control and eating my emotions. Her love allows me to push forward and reset my goals. I’m very fortunate to have her in my corner.

In the end though it’s up to me and only me to be happy with myself.
I’ve found that if there is something you don’t like then it’s time to do something about it. That’s precisely what I’ll be doing. Something I’ve been doing is trying to educate myself in ways on how I can improve my mental space and health.
Some recommendations I have is listening to the @completehuman podcast where they discuss various topics on how we can better ourselves in numerous ways. I also follow @fit2fat2fit to learn what I can about keto and it’s benefits.
Keto for me was where I found the most success in my weight loss. If you swipe left you will see that I was able to get down to 217 lbs. which was the lightest I had been since 2015.
I’m hoping that with my Twitch channel I can build a community where all kinds of people can come and feel safe, and feel that they can better themselves. I’ve always wanted to help people and I feel this is the best way I can do that.
I also have a very exciting announcement I am going to make at the beginning of the new year of becoming an affiliate with a brand that I trust and can’t wait to share it with you guys.

Well that’s all for now. I hope you come along in the journey with me and Kristy.
We love you guys and I hope we can all grow and help each other be the best version of ourselves

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