We're getting close to the end of 2020, and many are sharing their achievements.

Instead, I want to spend some time to remember the games that unfortunately didn't make it.

Join me on this journey to discover some of the most awesome games that have sadly been cancelled.

"FEZ 2" by @Polytron, cancelled in 2013.

Sometimes, at night, I play "FEZ 2" for hours. When I wake up and realise it was a dream, a deep sense of sadness pervades me for the rest of the day.
"In The Valley of Gods" by @camposanto.

A technical masterpiece in the making, with a queer POC lead. And the long awaited spiritual successor for "Firewatch".

It was put on hold indefinitely in 2019, to focus on Half-Life: Alyx and Dota Underlords.
"Routine" by @LunarSoftware.

Back in the dark ages of Steam Greenlight, it held the record for the fastest greenlit game.

The game was initially supposed to be released in March 2017, but no more updates were published since April.
"Before" ( @BeforeGame) by @Billowper

An incredibly ambitious project, with some of the coolest people working on it.

The developer confirmed the game was officially cancelled in 2019.
"Memory of a Broken Dimension" by @xra.

It is hard to used words to describe the game. It was weird, eerie, and experimental. And I have been lucky enough to try it at GDC, many years ago.
"Miegakure" ( @MiegakureGame) by Marc ten Bosch

Possibly the first game to give the fourth dimension the respect it deserves. Despite being almost 10 years in the making, little is knowing about its current state.
"Creatures Online" by @FishingCactus

Was supposed to be the next instalment in the much loved Creatures series in 15 years.

Like many hard-core fans, I was quite sceptical about the direction the game was going. And while sad, I'm glad it was cancelled.
"Chroma" by @ClawhammerMark

Not many know about this little gem. "CHROMA" is one my favourite indie titles that never got released, and a massive source of inspiration.

Mark Foster ultimately founded @acidnerve and focused on "Titan Souls" instead.
"Little Devil Inside" ( @ProjectLDI) by Neostream

Despite a very successful Kickstarter campaign, there has been only one post since 2015.

A PS5 trailer appeared in August, but not much else is known. I'm hopeful we'll hear more about this game!
"Myriad" by @Slaktus

Frantic, trippy and visionary.
I had a few chances to play this, and it's a shame it never got released.
"POKU" ( @PokuGame) by @AlexKalopsia

It is a real shame that such a cosy little game never became what it could have been!
"A Light In Chorus" by @l_i_ott & @matthew_warshaw

When it was first announced, back in ∼2014, "A Light In Chorus" featured some pretty outstanding technology, and an aesthetics like no other game.
"Goodbye Solid Ground" by @Strangethink23

Travelling a neon pink galaxy aboard a gravity-defying ship to save black cats from exploding planets.

A truly hidden gem.

Despite having played it only once back in 2014, I'm not ready yet to say goodbye to "Goodbye Solid Ground".
"ACCELERUNNER" by @AlanZucconi & @nicollhunt

This list wouldn't be complete without including one of my biggest professional regrets as a gamedev: cancelling "ACCELERUNNER".

When you run you run, when you jump you jump.

And when you cry, you cry. 🥲
You can follow @AlanZucconi.
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