How can a just state order people to stay home indefinitely—not bc they‘ve done anything wrong, not bc they’re sick, not even bc they’ve been exposed—but simply bc it’s possible that, by leaving home to earn a living & visit each other, they may become sick?

This is insanity.
When you think that this order applies equally to people who have already had COVID & recovered (of whom there are quite a few indeed in CA)—it is even more insane.

Forget narrow tailoring: this is not even minimally rational.
I mean, indefinitely quarantining a healthy susceptible is wrong enough.

To indefinitely quarantine someone who is IMMUNE is simply insane.

Time to make clear to governors that they are acting without legitimacy.
I guess since we vaccinate the immune, it shouldn’t be such a surprise that we also think it’s OK to quarantine them too.

This is The Science. Let us attend.
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