Does school-based sport have a place? Of course! For some, school sport will be a way of becoming entangled in the lives of others in ways which will lead to a pastime becoming a valued, stabilising influence throughout life. That's awesome! #becausehuman
But as @ImSporticus notes, it's not "sport" that has the impact. That's down to "good people intentionally designing positive experiences through sport" - which is not the same thing!

Ideal: those involved co-creating the positive experiences! #ownership
Talk of glue, shared interests & civic pride doesn't get us far. Public debate needs to start with a richer & more nuanced appreciation of aspiration & of wayfinding... & if we want "fewer stories like this" & "more stories like that" we need local sense-making & mapping 🗺️
Yes, established pathways to finding meaning in movement are a lot more accessible / inviting for some than for others... & that's a tough area... but we're already way, WAY beyond prescribing "a more robust framework of expectations for school sport" 👇
Even those of us who love sport should recognise that "[...] if this trend towards the sportisation of physical education continues there is a danger that the unique identity & individuality of educational purpose for physical education may be affected" 👇
Schools figure in strategic level discussion NGBs... but that's overwhelmingly structured around either scope for increasing participation or feeds for talent pathway systems. Do we even get discussion of intra-NGB (cross-sport) collaboration around school/community priorties? 🤔
We've got people in NGBs & other bodies (e.g. @Sport_England, @_UKCoaching) who are clued in... but they're mostly operating with school PE as a pretty marginal part of their brief... & hugely removed from the discussions taking place around @meaningfulPE, @MeaningfulSport, etc.
Are PE-based social learning spaces really central to the working lives of those with relevant roles within NGBs & Sport? Or are key players more likely to be in educationally-peripheral intra-sport spaces or coaching-spaces? Where does the @afPE_PE fit in the wider landscape?
Great work IS being done in this space by the likes of @Greg_Dryer, @HamblinDec & @ImSporticus at @CPESA_Kingston (all strangely absent from the CSJ Paper) - but are WE ensuring they're on the radar in our NGBs & in the other places where we could really do with their input? 🤔
Practically, I'd like to pick up on two things for 2021 - the first being the strengthening of the informal networks in the space where this well-meaning CSJ paper falls so woefully short.

Recommended New Year's Resolution reading #1: this @snowded blog:
Secondly, if we have aspirations for "improved leadership" in this area, can we go into 2021 committed to a more meaningful discussion about what we might mean?

Recommended New Year's Resolution reading #2: this @snowded blog (& others since Nov 10th) 🤠
We're in a place which can witness the production (in all seriousness) of "A Level Playing Field: Equalising access to sport and exercise for young people after Covid-19"...

Like it or not, this is where debate is at. How do we move on from here? 🤔
Does school sport have a place? Yes. Is it "sport" that has the impact? No! Can we move beyond prescribing "a more robust framework of expectations for school sport"? Maybe - but not if we carry on as we are at present!

A few reflections for 2020 action!
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